Friday, June 18, 2010

I'm 15 i need to be more confident around cute guys! how??

ok i'm a very dark skinned girl yet i feel like im still pretty even though i'm dark. Being dark and like having very thick frizzy hair is what i hate about myself. I love everything else about me right down to my fat MELONbottom *** lol. I just need help on how i can become more confident with myself. I sometimes settle for the ugly guys because of this insecurity of being dark and my messed up hair. lol. And when a cute guy says that i'm cute and tries to talk to me i think"oh this isnt going to last...he doesnt really like me....he thinks i'm too dark and my hair is too nappy..he doesnt like the way i dress" THATS WHAT I THINK EVERYTIME! i try not to but that what comes friend is cute and she's not as sad as i am..shes more outgoing..i try to be like her a lot..i admire her confidence...I JUST WANT TO BE MORE CONFIDENT AND TO NOT BE SO AFRAID AND INSECURE AROUND CUTE GUYS..HOW DO I DO IT?? SOMEONE HELP PLEASE!! I REALLY WANT TO BE BETTER...

I'm 15 i need to be more confident around cute guys! how??

first of all, don't straight away think of the negative whenever a guy starts talking to you. just take a deep breath at the start of each new day and resolve not to think negatively. smile, and treat everyone as your friends... that will soon give you confidence. and if someone compliments you don't say "they are lying" or such... instead think to yourself "yeah that's right". it'll probably feel ridiculous but it works. good luck.

I'm 15 i need to be more confident around cute guys! how??

Guys are people, treat them like it, don't treat every guy as potential dating material, just try to be friends. Don't settle for guys if you don't like them for who they are. If a guy likes you he likes you, he wouldn't say so if he didn't like you. And another thing, don't be going after yourself because you have dark skin.... I have the whitest of white skin, and I still have the same problem. Plus who would want to go out with a guy if he is discriminatory, I wouldn't. Find a guy that loves you for who you are, not the way you look. Just be you and the right guy will come around. Really see guys as people that will help you a ton with the whole indimidation thing. I have a bunch of guy friends (potential bfs) because that is how I treat them. and another thing, YOU DON'T NEED A BOYFRIEND 24/7. Try enjoying being single.

I'm 15 i need to be more confident around cute guys! how??

An honest answer? Wait another year or two before considering a serious relationship. Emotionally you are just not ready for it. Hang out with friend and be friends with as many people as you can. Put yourself in situations where you can laugh at yourself. (Kerrioki is very good at this) the more fun you have and the more your friends support you the more confidence you will gain. Then you will not worry so much about looks. If I would have married off looks I would not have the wonderful wife I have today. and beleive me she was one hell of a looker in our day. you still have tons of time to worry about guys. Worry more about school and what you want to do with your future. guys will always be there.

I'm 15 i need to be more confident around cute guys! how??

just be friends first then i believe actually i know after the chemistry will follow trust me i have the same problem. and that's why i never get into relationships. every time i see a guy and im pretty sure we like each other, but i dont usually push it cuz i always worry about how its gonna go or if it will work out. that was my problem. but im over that now and hopefully u will be too. good luck

I'm 15 i need to be more confident around cute guys! how??

GET BACK TO CLASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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